Call for Abstract and Conference Registration for 9th ICMH is Now OPEN

28–30 Aug 2025 Upcoming
Zhichenkhar, Library of Mind, Body & Sound Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies
Asia/Thimphu timezone

Poster Presentation Instruction

1. Size of the Poster

Standard size - 90cm x 120cm

Layout -Portrait or landscape

Titles: At least 72 point

Headings: At least 48 point

Text: At least 24 point

2. General guideline

 - The flow of your poster should be clear to the reader.

 - Introduction should be in top left, conclusions bottom right.

 - In general columns are easier to follow than rows.

 - You can use numbers or letters to label different sections/blocks in your poster.

 - Use headings to convey major points.

 - Most important messages should appear at the top of the poster (details and supplementary points lower).

 - Details detract from the main point and should be avoided.

 - Balance the use of graphics and text (horizontal, vertical or diagonal symmetry in placement of figures and text).

3. Text

 - Use active voice.

 - Use phrases rather than full sentences

 - Lists (bullet points, numbered) are useful

 - Avoid jargon and acronyms.

 - Use a serif font (Sans-serif is alright for headings).

 - Left-justified text is best (fully-justified is difficult to manage in columns).

 - Restrict the number of fonts to 2-3 at most.

4. Font

 - A clear font is Arial

 - No requirement to use it

 - Ensure the font you use is readable

5. Content

 - Introduction

 - Aims / Objectives

 - Methodology

 - Results

 - Summary (Conclusion)